A project recording studio that might be right for your project.
Probos Sound was born out of my complete and total love for making and creating music. Playing, writing, being a part of a band, and especially the recording process has always been a passion of mine and it’s snowballed into this small business. The space is not huge but we make the best of what we have. My background is mostly in the rock genre but I love all kinds of music and open to all forms of musical creativity. With the proper planning I believe we can achieve quality results with short turn around times while being budget friendly.

These days a lot of songs/music are self produced, but if you feel you need help we here to assist and/or provide suggestions to realize your optimal result.
Whether it’s tracks recorded here or somewhere else, we can help. This is the part of the process where the raw ingredients of your song are blended and balanced into the end result, which can really add to the emotional journey a song takes you on. We can get super creative during this step, and it’s fun!
Good source tracks are a key! We take a lot of pride in trying to capture the best quality drum, guitar, bass, vocal and any other instruments/sounds necessary to making the song the best it can be. This is generally the heavy lifting portion of the process. Time well spent here can make a huge difference. We strive to be prepared, capture the sound, and get you in and out as quickly as possible to keep things fresh.
Universal Audio Apollos x16 & X8
Audioscape Golden58 2-ch Tube mic preamp
Warm Audio WA-412, WA-2MPX and WA-73EQ mic preamps
Black Lion Audio B12A Quad preamp
Heritage Audio OST-8 ADAT - Filled with Hairball Audio, A-Designs and Cranborne mic preamps
Charmeleon Labs 7602 mkII preamp
Stam Audio SA-76D plus compressor
Stam Audio SA-4000 mk3 w/Fairchild mod bus compressor
Empirical Labs Distressor
GAP Comp 3A
LOTS of tasty microphones to choose from
DAW is LUNA or the latest Pro Tools
Guitar amps (Bad Cat, Bogner, Boogie, Marshall, Top Hat), cabinets and a bunch of effects pedals.
Great sounding Ayotte DrumSmith drum kit with Meinl Traditional Byzance cymbals
$35 an hour recording, $100 for setup
$250 Full day of recording (8ish hrs)
$125 per song mixing w/3 revisions
$25 per revision after that
I can also master your song for no additional change if you so choose.
Do we seem like a good fit?
If you’re interested in working together fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly.